Quality AV components? Check. Customized furniture? Check. Light-blocking drapes? Check. And now for the finishing touches to recreate the authentic theatergoing experience: --Spill soft drinks on the floor and let them dry to a sticky residue. --Record the broadcast of an annoying pop radio station, and play it prior to the “feature presentation,” accompanied by dimly lit ads for local businesses. --Ask your spouse to sell you a carton of stale popcorn for $8.50. --Just before the feature, run a dozen onscreen reminders to “silence cellphones.” --Set a batch of cellphones to ring at critical points in the film – say, during a love scene or right before the hero saves the world. Scatter them around the room. --Invite some attention-deficit-disordered neighbor kids to sit behind you, where they’ll whine, argue, and kick the back of your chair. --Invite their dimwitted parents to sit next to you and blab about the movie: “What did he say?” “Hey, that guy looks like John Travolta.” “This movie sucks.” --Set your air conditioner to 46 degrees, and make sure the fan blows directly down your neck. Enjoyed this story? It's from Gimme Shelter: A Spoofbook on Home Decorating -- available free today at And even if you missed the free promo day, the book costs only 99 cents. Click here for the Amazon sales page. Comments are closed.
CarsonmaniaBlogI hope you weren't expecting anything profound. If I ever need to plead insanity, this blog will provide valuable evidence.
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